Mark Bryce (Creative and Coach)
Mark coaches teams, organisations and individual clients. He can also lead projects and deliver managed training programmes.
Clients include:
Journal loving leaders, architects and podcasters
Recent graduates and other 'Career Builders'
50+ women, particularly female entrepreneurs
DISCO Entrepreneurs (also called 'Slashies' - people who have a job and a business)
Managers who are leading change
Managers who feel overwhelmed or have limited time.
He helps them to simplify complex tasks/issues, track results and complete projects at pace. He's a 'Maximiser' that strives for 'One Job With Excellence'.
Coaching Methodology
Mark believes in breaking down goals into achievable steps and getting super focused on 'What's Important?'. For example when he asked people to join him on his 'Round the World' challenge of walking, running, biking or swimming 18,500 miles (see below) he broke it down to just 153 mile blocks, and created 'The 153 Mile Challenge'. When he first introduced Guided Learning and Online Coaching in 2013/14 he broke it down into 10 hour learning blocks. Why 10 Hours? You can do that with limited time. You can do it in a day, a week or even a month. In fact 10 Hours over a month is just 20 minutes a day. Anyone can spare 20 minutes a day. Mark believes in making things simple, seamless and without barriers.
Prove It
Mark has proven that breaking down big goals works. Over the years, he has set himself three big challenges, and achieved them all. The challenges were all themed around '25K'.
Challenge 1 - Help 25,000 people - COMPLETED. He did this to learn how to reach and engage with lots of people and many different types of customers. He wanted to really understand customer relationships. Mark now has over 25,000 direct training and customer interactions (and still counting). He did it one person, one need at a time.
Challenge 2 - Play 25,000 First Person Multiplayer Games - COMPLETED. This was to learn about online teams and communication ... plus to have fun. Mark has now played over 25,000 individual games and matches in competitive multiplayer FPS titles. He did it twelve minutes at a time, one game at a time.
Challenge 3 - In 2005, Mark set himself the challenge to 'Walk-Run-Bike-Swim 18,500 miles', the equivalent of 'Round the World'. In 2015, he reset the target to 25,000 miles - COMPLETED. This was to recover from a major calf injury and to set a once in a lifetime physical challenge. He did it one step, one mile at a time.
Mark is quoted as saying "The goal isn't important. What matters is the person or team you must become everyday to achieve it".
Mark continues to set challenges.
Here's what some other people have said about Mark:
“Whatever the problem, day or time (be it 7am or midnight), I know that I am always welcomed with any questions that I may have. His teaching styles are creative, enjoyable and valuable. He is very honest with his opinion and gets straight to the point. Mark’s kindness and helpfulness constantly makes me smile, and sets me up for a day full of motivation, even on some of my more challenging days. MB is clearly very knowledgeable; be it about web design, professional online presence or even Disney princesses. I feel as though I can really be myself and talk about any problems that I feel relevant; Mark will always help, however possible”
“[…] this quality emanates from Mark’s own self efficacy, his ability to empathise, his positive self esteem and self worth. He approaches difficult tasks with tenacity, viewing them as challenges rather than threats. Mark excels in communication skills, having the ability to communicate at all levels. He is able to assess situations quickly and adapt his mode of communication to fit the circumstances”
“[…] Mark B. You are one of the most supportive level headed kind hearted people I have met, And I am so glad we have managed to have chats where you always seem to help me rethink.”
“You achieved in 3 months what it had taken other centres up to 9 months to achieve”
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